We offer simple, impactful climate actions you can take. We provide accessible, engaging, accurate information on the climate crisis and climate solutions. We share ideas about building resilience in the face of growing climate instability and unavoidable climate disruptions to promote a safer future. Join now to get started!
Why Power Up for Climate Solutions?
We are facing a global climate emergency that threatens our safety and our future. Transformative action can potentially slow climate change, reduce harm, and protect a climate stable enough to be compatible with human civilization. But we are out of time. So how do we respond? That is the heart of the question that we are asking at Power Up for Climate Solutions.
Part of the answer we believe lies with understanding where we are and where opportunities exist. One thing you may not know is that the majority of us understand that climate change poses a serious threat: at least two-thirds of Americans now understand that climate change is happening and threatens our health, safety, and future. The majority of us also support regulating greenhouse gas emissions, government spending on renewable energy, pricing carbon emissions, and other climate action.
Second, we know what actions will lessen the threat of catastrophic climate change: A remarkable scientific and policy consensus has emerged on the steps we need to take to begin restoring climate stability. The top-priority steps—dramatically increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy, rapidly electrifying everything, and pursuing negative emissions (pulling carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with steps like growing trees and sequestering carbon in soils)—are clear (learn more here). There is also an emerging consensus on the most effective policies to get us there.
In spite of this progress, we have failed to respond on a scale or with a speed that puts us on a pathway to protecting a livable world. It appears that our social, political, and economic structures simply cannot respond to a threat as universal and yet complex as human-caused climate change.
And yet, the future is unknown. Power Up for Climate Solutions is here to help you take action. We share simple and diverse actions delivered to your inbox. Voting, talking about why climate matters to you, joining community actions, and writing elected officials about climate are worth doing. And we are placing a greater emphasis on actions to decarbonize your home, community, and local region, and build community resilience in the face of growing climate threats. We aim to educate you about the key facts and opportunities so you can contribute to preserving a livable world.
You don’s need to be an expert or devote your life to climate action to help. Just Sign up today to get started!
Since 2013, I’ve been a climate solutions advocate. Solving climate change is something I am passionate about, something I think about every day. I sometimes collaborate with a small group of people who are similarly climate-obsessed, but we know that most people’s primary focus lies elsewhere. For years, I’ve heard from friends and acquaintances that they too are worried about climate change and would like to do something but feel overwhelmed, guilty, they don’t know enough, or don’t know where to start. They–and you–are the reason Power Up for Climate Solutions was created!
We believe that every person who cares about climate change (the majority of us) would like to find simple, effective ways to support climate solutions. We also believe that climate solutions cannot be enacted at the speed and scale needed to prevent catastrophic climate change that threatens human health, wellbeing, and all we depend on, unless many more of us find ways to engage very soon. Power Up for Climate Solutions was created to connect people who want to do more with the information, resources, and tools you need to contribute to solving the climate crisis. We are here for everyone, but especially for those who are not climate experts and are looking for simple, impactful actions and accurate, accessible information on climate change and climate solutions.