No matter how much money you have, how you save and spend is important for the climate. Below are three actions you can take to ensure that your money is supporting climate solutions.
Action ONE: Use the Bank Green tool to learn if your bank is using your money to fund climate chaos:
CHECK ON YOUR BANKTaking this action will allow you to decide whether you feel good about where you bank, or whether to consider opening a new account at a better bank.
Action TWO: Chase Bank, Wells Fargo, Citi, or Bank of America are funding fossil fuel exploration, extraction, and transport. If you have a credit card from any of these banks, apply for a new credit card today, and start your switch to a climate-friendly credit card.
Find a climate friendly credit card that’s right for you!
BETTER CREDIT CARDSChase Bank, Wells Fargo, Citi, or Bank of America make big money off their credit card customers; switching cards sends a powerful message to banks that it’s time to stop funding fossil fuels once and for all. (Many of the credit cards listed at the link above offer cards with no annual fee, including Beneficial State Bank and Amalgamated Bank.)
Action THREE: If you are in a position to make donations for climate action, Giving Green provides recommendations on organizations maximizing their impact on climate. See their list and choose one or more groups to give to:
See Giving Green’s recommendations for climate donations:
FIND TOP CLIMATE DONATIONSFor more information about supporting climate action with your money, see additional resources below:
Money is the oxygen on which the fire of global warming burns
Stop the money pipeline campaign
Divesting from fossil fuel investments:
Earthfolio Sustainable Investing
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